Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is an important historical attraction of Hanoi, known for honoring the nation hero: President Ho Chi Minh. The building is where visitors can express their admiration and gratitude towards the common father of Vietnamese who led the country to independence and reunification.

  Built over 2 years from 1973 to 1975, the Mausoleum is also a lively illustrator of nation unity. The materials that constitute the building, from exterior granite to interior wood, were contributed by people from all over the country. Even the garden that surrounded the Mausoleum has a collection of plants from all regions in Vietnam.

   This shows the Vietnamese’s wish to forever keep their dear father. In fact, the construction of the Mausoleum was against Ho Chi Minh’s will. As he passed away, he wished to be cremated and his cremation to be scattered all over the country.

  You have to stand in line, which moves quite quickly, the path to mausoleum for several hundred meters to the mausoleum entrance. Inside, adopt a slow but steady pace to see Ho’s body. Guards, in snowy-white military uniforms, are posted at intervals of five paces.

  Visiting the Mausoleum is free of charge but involves a set of strictly enforced regulations. No short skirts or tank tops are allowed and there is high level of security check upon arrival. Day packs can be put in a safe deposit before you enter but make sure you do not carry many valuable items with you. Taking photos, talking or finger-pointing are strictly prohibited inside the mausoleum.


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